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Multiple Seismic Sources

Earthquakes from volcanic activity, lithospheric bending, and the tectonic movement of the Pacific Plate are included in the model

Spatially Unbiased

KCC Characteristic Event (CE) methodology avoids sampling bias and provides full and consistent geographic coverage

Accurate Risk Metrics

High-resolution event footprints provide the basis for the most comprehensive and accurate risk metrics for insurers and reinsurers

M6.7 Kiholo Bay Earthquake (2006)
Kona, Hawaii

Hawaii Earthquake Snapshot

Hawaii is seismically active, and its unique building inventory is particularly vulnerable to ground motions. During the 2006 magnitude 6.7 Kiholo Bay Earthquake, which ruptured in the lithosphere beneath the northwestern coast of Hawaii Island, the majority of significant structural damage occurred to buildings unique to Hawaii. Post-and-pier foundations, which are constructed using a series of posts that support the building resting on cement blocks, were frequently dislodged from their footings and induced structural damage to residential buildings. KCC engineers developed component vulnerability functions specific to Hawaii in order to account for risk to the unique building inventory.


Manage Your Earthquake Risk in Hawaii

KCC utilizes the best available data, science, and technology to create high-resolution, accurate, and transparent global catastrophe models that allow you to make decisions with confidence.
